Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Double Bomb, The Importance of Proper Placement

Each townhall level has a variety of popular attacks which are commonly used in an attempt to get three stars.  Townhall 8s generally like to use hogs, gowipe, or dragons in their three star clan wars attempts.  Townhall 9s like to use a various of air strategies as well as gowipe, gowiwi, and hogs.  One of the common strategies between townhall 8 and townhall 9 is the use of hogriders.

In creating or modifying your base layout, you should give heavy consideration to the type of attacks you will typically be facing.  For instance as a townhall 8 you should not prepare your base to defend against level 30 heroes and quadlavaloon.  This is because if a townhall 10 is attacking you in war, the war is already won by your clan!  So with that in mind let's consider hogriders for those townhall 8 and townhall 9 bases out there.  Hogriders' biggest weakness at these townhall levels are giant bombs.  This is in part because of the giant bomb does 1.5 times as much damage versus hogriders.  If two giant bombs explode it instantly kills even a maxed level 5 hogrider.

Now that we know a pair of giant bombs can wipe out an entire group of hogriders, we must figure out how to place them in a manner that works best for our defense.  I would list several key factors in placing a set of double bombs in the base.  First, consider where your enemy will most likely attempt to lure the castle. Second, note that the bombs must be directly between two defensive structures.  Third, understand that the bombs must not have additional defensive structures too close to them as that could change the pathing of the hogs away from the bombs.  Finally, the bombs must not be in front of the archer queen.

So let's consider your clan castle.  Click on your clan castle and view its range.  Plan how you would lure the castle troops with hogriders.  Ask a few people in your clan as well.  Most of the time all of the players will pick the same location.  You want to avoid using your double giant bomb in that location so as to avoid getting it triggered before the main army is deployed.

Next let's consider where they are placed in relation to defensive structures.  They must be placed in between defensive structures to ensure that hogrider pathing takes them from one defensive structure directly through the two giant bombs and into the second defensive structure.  This will allow both bombs to hit all of the hogriders.  Placing them between regular building units will allow hogs to either avoid the giant bomb, or run through it before it blows up.

Now that we have established the two defensive structures that they will be between, we must make sure that those two structures are the closer to each other than anything between them.  They must be two tiles away so we must ensure nothing is adjacent or one tile away in a manner that would navigate the hogriders away from our double giant bombs.

Finally, and perhaps the most important.  Keep the double giant bombs away from your archer queen (townhall 9).  Your archer queen is going to be a prime target for them to kill in order access the second and third star on your base.  They will most likely use a golem, a couple wizards and their heroes to attempt to get to your archer queen.  You do not want the golem absorbing your double giant bomb.

Here is a video illustrating most of the main points that I have listed, for those of you that are most visual:

In closing, hogriders are still a powerful force to be reckoned with at townhall 8 and 9.  You can however, vastly reduce their effectiveness with proper defensive planning.  Good luck making your next base!

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