Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Golem versus Pekka in your clan castle for townhall 9 bases

A hot point of contention in our clan is whether clan members should be requesting a golem or a pekka in their clan castles when using a version of a gowipe army (golem wizard pekka).  For the purpose of this argument I will only speak about townhall 9s because they are the only level that can hold both troops and cannot make the max level troops.

As a townhall 9 you can create your own level 3 pekkas and level 4 golems.  So let's compare those to maxed level pekkas and golems.  As you can see below, a level 4 golem does 50 damage per second and has 6,000 hit points.  A level 5 golem has 54 damage per second and 6,300 hit points.  So making an extra pekka yourself and requesting a golem would give your initial army 4 damage per second and 300 extra health.

That seems like a pretty small difference in firepower and health.  So let's look at the golemites, surely that's why people prefer requesting golems.

Level 5 golemites have an additional 1 damage per second and 60 more health.  Considering that there are two of them that adds 2 damage per second and 120 health.  So combining both the golem and the golemites.  Requesting a level 5 golem as a townhall 9 versus making your own level 4 golem, adds a combined 6 damage per second and 420 health to your army.

Now let's compare the pekka.  A level 3 pekka is able to do 300 damage per second and has 3500 hitpoints.  A level 5 pekka does 380 damage per second and has 4500 hitpoints.

In conclusion, a level 5 pekka can add 80 damage per second and has 1000 more hit points than the townhall 9 counterpart.  When comparing the golem option to the pekka option, a townhall 10 pekka adds 74 more damage per second and 580 more health to your army.  The logical conclusion is that you should always choose the pekka to compliment your townhall 9 gowipe army.  But wait, that's not all, by selecting a pekka you can get five more townhall 10 troops added to your army.  That means a level 6 wizard and a level 7 archer.  This adds an additional 13 damage and 12 hit points.  The pekka troop request is the clear advantage.

Now that all of the math and statistics behind the troop request have come to light, the next time you are building your war army and needing to request troops you know the exact decision you will be making.  Are you going to request a pekka in order to create the army most likely to get three stars or are you going to be a cheap clanmate and make someone pay the dark elixir for your golem and go with the weaker army as a result?

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