Real talk: recruitment sucks and options are limited, but if you want a successful clan, you’re going to have to do it. In this post I’ll talk about various methods, some of the challenges, and how we handle recruitment in Evil Queso.
Right now we’re in a pretty sweet spot and we really only do what I think of as maintenance recruiting. We like doing 30 vs. 30 clan wars, and we have, at the time of this writing, about 25 members who I consider to be the solid core of the clan. They have been with clan for a while (upwards of a year in many cases), they are active, and we can count on them in clan wars.
In addition to these 25, at any given time we usually have a couple random members cycling through. They are less active but tend to stick around for a few wars and then either they don’t attack in war and get kicked, or they decide they want to look for greener pasture (LOL good luck) and bounce on their own (#byefelicia). We also tend to have one or two pretty low level randoms, they usually get kicked for not attacking in war, loot sniping in war, going on a wackadoodle racist rant, or complaining about the few rules we actually have. Expectations are low for those guys, and it doesn’t matter if they attack or even perform well. What all this means is we usually do a little recruiting right after war ends, to make sure we are back up to 30 when the next begins.
Evil Queso recruits in global. It’s definitely the most convenient method since you can do it while you’re clashing, but there are other options out there. You could also try recruiting on the Supercell forum, or through social media. The forum drives me crazy because people on the internet think they know everything, and I avoid using my social media accounts because I prefer to maintain some level of anonymity in the game. So, global it is.
To give you an idea of what we're after, here's a look at our clan description:
When I need to recruit I make sure the clan is set to Invite Only, then I go into global and state what I’m looking for (co-leaders and elders help with this also). Usually I just type something like “looking for adults, any lvl welcome, solid lvl 5 farming & war clan.” I don't often chat with people because most of the players who spend any significant amount of time in global are kids or shitapples. Players will request to join and unless their base is horribly rushed or their name is something ridiculous like deez nutz, we will usually accept. For every ten or so we accept, maybe one will be a player who seems like 1) they bothered to read the clan description and 2) we could tolerate long enough to make it through a war. For every ten players who make it through a war, even less than one will actually become established as part of the core.
If you're building a clan from scratch the recruitment strategy will be a little different but not much. I could write a whole other post about it. For now I'll just say if I was building a new clan by myself I'd focus on finding ten people I could stand for clan wars, and grow very slowly from there.
You might be thinking, "wow standards are high in Evil Queso, maybe too high!" They are, and they aren't. Not everyone is going to be a good fit for your clan, in fact, most aren't. It doesn't matter. There are millions of clashers out there and more start playing every day. Eventually the ones you can trust and will have fun with will stick. Until you find those players, NEXT!
Ditty Bo here, one of Evil Queso's co-leaders. What Ms. Taco has written is extremely accurate about global and recruiting in general. It's also how I recruit--cause I learned from Taco and stole some of her pitch. However, I add another line "no children. no gemmers. no war opt outs. no drama." I put that line in there because more often than not it provokes the children and the trolls and the child trolls, which then will sometimes bring out the semi-intelligent, rational adults and start a conversation. This conversation can lead to one of two things: players requesting to join or users trying to troll me. I don't mind either as some random player in global is not going to upset me and it usually gives me a good laugh (like when I'm told that it's sad that I'm so old and I play a kids game).